


Black & White


Artist Statement

    This logo is a representation of myself, The image is an abstract take on a postage stamp with a bunch of grapes growing inside and breaking the frame of the stamp. The stamp is a representation of my desire to travel and see the world and experience a multitude of cultures. Grapes have several meanings depending on the religion, in Christianity grape juice is drank with communion to connect Christians with Jesus. The Greek god Dionysus is often represented with grapes due to the connection to wine. Dionysus represents many things with his more accepted being nature, music, inspiration, and fertility/fruitfulness. To me the grapes are a representation of my love for nature and my creative mind and hope for a better future.

    The colors also have meaning and were chosen for a specific reason. The green logo is my favorite, green represents nature, growth, and healing. However even the lighter and darker greens have their own meaning, light green is more associated with growth and fertility while a darker green is associated with safety, balance, and stability. The next design uses purple as its focus point as purple represents imagination and spirituality as well as ambition. Orange was used both for it's meaning and as it compliments purple. Orange is often associated with adventure, creativity, and excitement. Orange was utilized in the next design as well with blue being the color chosen to compliment it. The blue is specifically a light blue to capture the meaning of freedom and self expression.


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