
 Final Gif

Original Images

Artist Statement
For this animation my inspiration was that when it's raining or cloudy out I like the either read or watch shows with a cup of tea or coffee depending on my mood. I tried to capture this scene in the animation by doing a teapot and tea cup on what should be a table or windowsill, outside it is raining and cloudy. The tea gets poured into the cup with an extra tea bag and steam rises off the cup showing that the tea is still warm. The tea bag is them removed and some tea drips off the bag just to add more character and show movement and interactions within the scene. In order to include my logo, name, and credits I used a white or light grey color and a soft brush with low hardness to create the foggy affect that you get when you breath or but something hot against a window when it is cold outside just to further emphasized the atmosphere I was trying to create.


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