I think the photo above would be difficult to photoshop myself into for a number of reasons. First would be that the background of the mirror is already crowed and disorganized meaning there is limited places that I could be placed. The other difficulty would be the poorer quality and grain of the photo would mean that I would need to take more time to make sure it blends.

After seeing the photo above I realized it might be fun to place myself into a family photo, especially a Christmas or thanksgiving one as those are the current holidays coming up. My family also doesn't do any group photos and especially not holiday or photos for a special occasion so it might be fun to work with that theme.

I found this photo to be entertaining. I liked how you can still see the feet of the guy so it looks like he's mid fall. There's also something about the position of the girl and how her arms look. She looks very stiff and the way her arms are placed reminds me of a plastic dolls arms.
I think a photo like this could be fun to recreate. Placing something in front of the camera to change the depth that the viewer experiences. It also can change the emotion and where the photo looks like it was shot. For example the photo above was shot in a park or backyard but because of the branch it looks like it was shot in the forest and from above in a tree.


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