
Showing posts from September, 2023


To my future self, today is September 15th 2023, you’re 18 and in your first year away from home at university. Today you don’t know what you want to major in or what you want to do as a career, all you know is drink making, coffee, teas, mixed beverages it doesn’t matter. I hope that 20 years from now when I’m almost 40 I will know what I want to be or where I want to go. Today I’m still debating if I want to major in Criminology & Criminal Justice, New Media, Psychology, or Communications and Media with a Minor in Digital Arts and to the M.A program. Maybe I will do some combination of those or none of them. What I do know is that I am learning more here than I would working at the coffee shop back home and I get to see more than I have before. I enjoy riding the streetcar system that runs from downtown to Ybor and found a cafe that has homemade pastries, fun teas and coffees, a cozy cafe, and fun music. I saw a flower truck for the first time the other day. I was walking to t

Ai HW 1

     The pen tool is one of the most versatile tools in Illustrator. If you can get a good grasp on the pen tool then you will be set. I think I'm starting to get the hang of the pen tool, some of the more complex shapes and curves like the circle with a point that are more complex will take more practice to be able to do it efficiently.     Of the tools shown off in this video the star tool and rectangle. While it is easy to make a star or a rectangle, I think shaping the it into something that I will use will be difficult. I don't see myself using this tool very often, most likely just choosing to use the pen tool or a brush for more control even if it takes a bit longer.          In this video it also went over some of the properties and more detailed ways that you can use the tools. I thought that the pathfinder options when using the rectangle tool were interesting and will probably come in handy. I think being able to combined and separate pre-existing shapes will allow a


Internet / WWW     The Internet was a collaborative project that combined inventions and protocols from several inventors. However the two that get the credit for inventing the Internet are Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf as they used ARPANET models to make the modern Internet which was ‘born’ on Jan. 1, 1983. The Internet was originally created to be used as a way for government researchers to share information, which is similar to some of its uses today. Today we often use the Internet as a way to share information and communicate or to retrieve information from others.      The World Wide Web or WWW was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. The WWW is what we often refer to as the Internet in the modern day. The WWW was created as a way to allow users to access and view information on the Internet through hyperlinks.  The WWW is a tool used by the Internet but is different from the Internet. The WWW is just a tool used to access information contained within the Internet and make it more acce

Introduction - 0

       Hi! I'm Caspian Schultz, I've lived in Cape Coral, Florida for the last few years, about 2-3 south of Tampa. I enjoy music and concerts, I enjoy alternative-indie and rock genres. Some other hobbies of mine include photography, both video games and board games, and watching animated shows from all countries. I'm a big fan of people watching in cafes and coffee shops and have enjoyed riding the streetcars here in Tampa.     I'm a Freshman here at University of Tampa majoring in criminology and criminal justice however I'm thinking about either switching majors to a digital art or adding a digital art as a double major. I'm excited to be in this class to further learn Adobe software. I know Photoshop however I'm unfamiliar with the other Adobe products. I'm also excited to see some other aspects of digital art and hopefully figure out what I want to major in or what art I'm interested in exploring.