
Showing posts from October, 2023


  This video covered some handy important things such as saving a copy, saving default location, backups. Tools and shortcuts were also used such as using the number keys for opacity or using command + c + right click to change the brush size and hardness without having to go into the brush menus. I think some of these tips will come in handy especially some of the ones involving saving the projects. This video covered some of the tools I forgot about or didn't know existed, such as liquify and clone stamp tool. Of the tools in the video I think clone stamp tool will be the hardest to use. While it can come in handy to quickly duplicate objects, I think it will be difficult to get it right as you practically have two cursors, one where you are cloning and one where you are pasting. This video once again used one of the content aware selection tools to automatically change the image based on what else is in the photo. He also showed the patch tool and spot healing brush which seam l


In the documentary, I really liked the pictures of the women in the Congo, especially Ester's photo. In most of Platon's photos I can see the beauty from a technical standpoint but they don't make me feel anything or feel connected to the people in the photo. However, with the Congo Women I did see their emotion and feel somewhat connected to the women just by looking at a photo. This is the photo that I took that I feel captures what Platon was trying to capture. With Platon's photos the eye were one of the big focuses, making sure the eyes were clear and they had their shine. I personally prefer pictures where the subject isn't looking at the camera or is looking off the frame of the picture so I chose to do that rather than look straight. I also feel like this action is a good representation of myself as I don't like making eye contact or looking at people faces id rather look behind them or away from them when talking.


  Poster     Original Image  Inspiration Image Artist Statement This is my take on a propaganda poster based off of a photo of myself and a prior propaganda poster "Make Art Not War". I created both the image of myself and the poster by utilizing the pen tool as well as opacity and color. I did my poster on make art not war as I believe that there is a lot of violence and fighting today globally, if people would express themselves through art or creative means rather than violence I believe the world would be a much better place. I also really took inspiration from the originally with the ring of flowers as nature is a topic that I like to bring into my works.


  Sketch Black & White Colored Artist Statement      This logo is a representation of myself, The image is an abstract take on a postage stamp with a bunch of grapes growing inside and breaking the frame of the stamp. The stamp is a representation of my desire to travel and see the world and experience a multitude of cultures. Grapes have several meanings depending on the religion, in Christianity grape juice is drank with communion to connect Christians with Jesus. The Greek god Dionysus is often represented with grapes due to the connection to wine. Dionysus represents many things with his more accepted being nature, music, inspiration, and fertility/fruitfulness. To me the grapes are a representation of my love for nature and my creative mind and hope for a better future.      The colors also have meaning and were chosen for a specific reason. The green logo is my favorite, green represents nature, growth, and healing. However even the lighter and darker greens have their own me